Release Notes 5/13/21: Data Dictionary and skippable datasets
almost 4 years ago
✨ New
- The Data Dictionary is now available in segment criteria in Beta! Simon empowers your team to leverage tons of data to create powerful segments and content. With the amount of data available, it can be difficult to keep track of what these data are and where they came from. That’s where data dictionaries come in. With the current Data Dictionary you can:
- View field descriptions and details
- View contact object and event details
- Insert fields into segment criteria after you've viewed their descriptions

🔨 Improved
- Action Panel updates now available to all: You can now explicitly flag specific datasets as skippable to keep them from holding up your pipe. If a dataset is not flagged as skippable but is not used within your account and there’s been at least one successful pipe run (data refresh), the dataset is implicitly skippable to keep your campaigns going.

You can also receive notifications about skipped datasets. See configure dataset notifications.